My personal vow


One of the many defining faults characteristics of millennials is that, in general, we thrive in being rootless. And I completely get it, being rootless is very enticing. Having the option/freedom to get up, pack up, get on a plane, and start over in a completely new place. Gosh, it sure sounds tempting! At least the idea is, but in reality I’m all for nesting. I guess not all millennials are created equal, eh?

Lately, this nesting feeling is becoming more and more frequent. I feel a thirst to start the next phase of my life. Like, I’m so ready to have a job, own an apartment (maybe a small house?) and make it mine, have a garden (pleaseee 🙏🏼), and mainly, not having to worry about where I’m going to end up. There are days when I can’t help but roll my eyes and think “Can I just skip to the next chapter?”

Sadly, there is no forward button. But I knew that already. There have been a million motivational speakers who advice to live today, to be intentional, to seize the present day. And there have been another million and one who advocate for developing more patience. And ultimately, that’s what it comes down to: patience.

So as a personal goal I’ll enjoy the chapter I am in –even with it’s flaws, messiness, and uncertainty– because one day my imperfect nature is going to miss these college days. The days when I was poorly fed, sleep deprived, and over worked.

Some random thoughts…

This week, particularly, I am grateful for having wise people I can rely on. I feel incredibly blessed to be surrounded by amazing people who support me, fuel me, and inspire me.

You’ve probably heard about ‘power poses.’ I remember the first time I did. I also remembered how quickly I undermined my dad’s argument for them. Of course, I was wrong (as I often am regarding many things). Sorry dad! This TED talk explains how our body language influences our mind –and it also proves that my dad was not making it up 🙂 It’s both informative and the perfect length for a quick break.

And finally, something to think about.  Benjamin Zander, the famous music conductor, shared this story that has taught me something extremely valuable. He says:

I learned this from a woman who survived Auschwitz, one of the rare survivors. She went to Auschwitz when she was 15 years old. And her brother was eight, and the parents were lost. And she told me this, she said, “We were in the train going to Auschwitz, and I looked down and saw my brother’s shoes were missing. I said, ‘Why are you so stupid, can’t you keep your things together for goodness’ sake?'” The way an elder sister might speak to a younger brother. Unfortunately, it was the last thing she ever said to him, because she never saw him again. He did not survive. And so when she came out of Auschwitz, she made a vow. She told me this. She said, “I walked out of Auschwitz into life and I made a vow. And the vow was, “I will never say anything that couldn’t stand as the last thing I ever say.”

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